Andy Wightman presented on how the Land Reform Act 2003 emerged and what it was orginally conceived to achieve. He has done a lot of important evidence-gathering on land ownership in Scotland, and has set up a number of websites, including Who Owns Scotland and Commonweal, which aims to identify, document and restore Scottish Commons. The latter is a topic which has received some much-needed attention recently, with the awarding of the Nobel Prize for economics to Elinor Ostrom for her work on the commons.
The general feeling was that the Act has 'lanced the boil' of the injustices of feudal tenure, but has not gone far enough. There is a lot more to do in terms of changing the patterns of land tenure across the whole of Scotland - not just the Highlands and Islands. And not just rural communities but urban communities too. And there is a long wish list of related topics that community groups believe need attention - from asset transfer from the public sector, social enterprise support, community planning, to succession rights.
It felt very different to community sector meetings I have attended in England. I think the difference was the idealism, the faith that an abstract piece of legislation would change lives. And expectations. Expectations that politicians would deliver what was needed! I think someone actually bemoaned the lack of 'political vision'. It is a long time since i heard anyone in the community sector even referring to the possibility that there could be such a thing as political vision.
People I work with in England don't expect anything from the government or from politicians. This is how bad it has become. Westminster is a tired, jaded institution which seems remote to most of the country, and is tarnished by so many scandals. The contrast really struck home to me the lack of faith we have in our London politicians to do anything they say they will. How much power do they have, anyway? Hazel Blears really seemed to believe what she said about communities, yet residents her constituency of Salford have been scandolously treated by the City Council, and her public support was insufficient to progress a proposed community buy-out of a hospital site in Stroud. How can we trust our 'democratic' institutions - when they produce arrogant men who announce quite publicly that taxpayers (peasants?) are simply jealous of their vast estates?

In Scotland, on the other hand, there is a feeling that the devolved government is more accountable, more responsive. It is newer, younger, less tainted by scandal. The first Labour government won on the basis of many promises to resolve longstanding injustices and reform land tenure. As a result there are now very high expectations. It is important that these expectations are not frustrated. Disillusionment with devolved government will hurt Scottish psyche. We must not let the Scottish dream die.
On the other hand, does waiting for action from authority not slow down community empowerment? It should come from the grass-roots, and does not need permission from local or central government. That is the positive feeling I get from colleagues in England. There is so much that can be achieved - without any kind of land reform or supportive legislation, there are still £490m of assets in community ownership in England.
For the Scots the history is present. It is not remote, in the past, but something that is still felt, that still hurts. But in trying to repair past injustices, taking on long, slow battles over points of principle, are we missing out on smaller, easier wins? Society does not change to fit legislation, legislation changes to reflect society. I felt that all the resources to achieve a brighter future were in that room, or represented in that room. Do we need local government or politicians? Get on and show what is possible, then wait for them to catch up! They soon will, if it's popular and successful, and then they will appear for the photo opportunity!
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